5 Parenting Tips to Beat the Winter
Jan 23

5 Parenting Tips to Beat the Winter

Have you become discouraged as a result of the winter weather? Winter days might seem endless to parents with little children. Cold weather, snow days, weather dangers, the dreaded cold and flu season, and the arrival of ‘cabin fever’ can all contribute to a tiresome cycle of “I’m bored” and “What are we going to do NOW?”

Let me assure you that there is hope! Before you curse the cold and throw your hands in the air in a helpless display of surrender, there is hope! It is feasible to keep your children healthy and happy this winter without completely losing your mind.

Here are seven parenting tips to help you beat the winter blues.

Turn off Technology

5 Parenting Tips to Beat the Winter

It appears to be counter-intuitive, doesn’t it? Winter storm relief might be as simple as using technology, but a little Minecraft can go a long way. A consistent stream of screen time can be harmful rather than beneficial. Researchers discovered that youngsters who spent more time in front of the screen, are more likely to exhibit these symptoms:

  1. Inattention, as evidenced by a lack of ability to follow directions.
  2. Hyperactivity and impulsivity, such as a lack of physical control.

While technology may keep your kids entertained for a few minutes, the long-term consequences are devastating. Similarly, while one cookie won’t harm your health, a cookie diet won’t help your waistline or heart health.If you yearn to give a skillful upbringing or memory building life to your child then you should help them with learning-based toys instead of gadgets to play with. We at Mumtree provide the safest, attractive, eco-friendly and skill developing toys and games to kids. Take a look at them here!

Hold on, even if you’re tempted to relax your technology restrictions because you’re stuck indoors due to the weather. Keep your digital boundaries in place and focus on activities that engage the brains and bodies of your children. The payoff, in the long run, will be well worth it!

Give them Exposure

Give them Exposure​

Sure, you can go to your local YMCA during non-pandemic times. Or a trampoline park indoors. Or a museum of art and science. Or a gym with a children’s area. Even amid a pandemic, though, you may think outside the box.

Is it possible to make a reservation at your library? Is there a snow-covered tubing hill in the area? A safari that you can drive through? Is there a social distancing strategy in place at an aquarium?

Sure, it will be difficult to gather everyone and get them out the door, but the effort will be worthwhile. This temporary annoyance of managing hats, gloves, and jackets will fade as your children burn energy on a large outdoor playground or another engaging socially-distracted activity.

Allow the Light to Enter

The absence of light throughout the winter months contributes to a downward emotional spiral. Winter can feel dull and depressing when the leafless trees, grey skies, brown grass, and short days, are all combined.

It’s simpler to feel blue when you don’t get your daily dose of Vitamin D from the sun. Open the curtains, switch on the lights, and make your living and play environments as bright as possible to battle negative sentiments.

Invite the light in – artificial or natural – even if it’s not a brilliant, sunny 80-degree day. There you’ll notice a difference in your children’s attitude and conduct.

Allow the Light to Enter​

Routines should be Memorized

Routines should be Memorized

It’s easy to get careless with daily routines when the cold weather weakens everyone’s energy and snow days make outdoor preparations impossible. Stick to your daily routines to avoid schedule sluggishness, even if super cold weather cancels school or activities.

Final Thoughts

Final Thought

There are always ways to build up healthy, pleasant, positive practices that make the weather less important. Secondly, the time spent together is more important, regardless of the season. Some of the best memories are made in those creative, out-of-the-ordinary situations. Take pleasure in them!