Fears Of Newbie Parents And Their Solutions
Jan 23

Fears Of Newbie Parents And Their Solutions

Being a parent is one of the most gratifying occupations a person can have, but it can also be one of the most challenging as many Newbie Parents are concerned that they will be overwhelmed. 

Being a parent reaches a point where it transforms from an abstract concept to a concrete reality. It’s also terrifying.

The good news is that you’re not the only newbie parent worried about a new baby!

Here are some of the worst new-parent fears and their solutions.

Newbie parents after having a child

My marriage will be rocked by the arrival of a child

In certain ways, a baby can appear to be a constant third wheel in a relationship, and this is true. This could explain why expectant parents are worried about the destruction a newborn can cause in a marriage that is otherwise rock-solid.

Make it a point to have a date night once a week and give each partner some “me” time. Also, acknowledge and respect one another’s hard work and efforts in creating a baby. If you want your child to be entertained why not check out our toys. 

Newbie parents bond with my child​

I'm not going to bond with my child

Maternal or paternal love can begin the instant a parent sees their newborn or after a few skin-to-skin encounters. Others, on the other hand, don’t feel the same way. 

Many parents suffer from postpartum depression (PPD) after a tough pregnancy when they don’t feel a connection with their baby and worry that they’ll be the worst mother ever.

It’s vital to remember that you’re not alone if you’re suffering from PPD or the baby blues. Because of a combination of fluctuating hormone levels, lack of sleep, new obligations, and, basically, the fact that your whole life has changed, 70% to 80% of mothers suffer the blues.

Don’t hesitate to leave the house, take naps when you can, and rely on friends and family for support. Additionally, you may want to talk to your doctor.

Harm my child

I'll accidentally harm my child

When you’re a first-time parent or a parent-to-be, the potential for severe errors—accidentally providing too much medicine; dropping your newborn—seem unlimited.

Just remember to call your physician if you’re unsure or concerned about anything—they’ve probably heard it all before!

To avoid tripping or falling, baby-proof the house. Check for snags on carpets and rugs, keep objects out of the path of steps, and take your time walking around with the infant.

Worried about finances

Many parents are concerned that they will be unable to financially support their children.

It’s critical to start planning ahead of time and budgeting after the baby is born. You may be eligible for government benefits such as parental leave, family tax benefits, child care benefits, and a parenting payment.

Final Thoughts

Baby anxieties, not baby tears, are what keep most new parents awake at night. While these minor concerns are understandable and frequent, you can also overcome them. 

Deal with them wisely and patiently!